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Symbol DS4308-XD Extreme Density Imager

Captures all barcodes on your production line
Picture Symbol DS4308-XD Extreme Density Imager

From automotive and aerospace to medical equipment and electronics manufacturing, tracking every part as it is utilized is crucial to product quality and traceability. Introducing the DS4308-XD, the one scanner that can capture all the barcodes coming down your production line.

Loaded with advanced scanning technology, the DS4308-XD has what it takes to capture 1D and 2D barcodes and direct marks printed on non-reflective surfaces. Want to reduce your cycle times, improve product quality and enable cost-effective compliance with the track-and-trace requirements in your industry? You can do it all with the DS4308-XD — only from Zebra.

Click here to download Zebra Symbol DS4308-XD spec sheet

To find out more, please click here to contact OpalTec’s Zebra specialist.